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学历: 马来西亚教育文凭 (MCE)

黄兰芳,马来西亚人,女。她是 光合基督学院的会 计员。她拥有马来西亚教育文凭 (MCE),并 拥有多 年的会 计经验。曾在杨协成(马来西亚)有限公司服务,长达28年。2006年开始,她在 优教育中心服 务至今。黄女士是一 位不耻下问的好学者,愿意与年 轻人一同学习,因她一直秉 持着“在小事上忠心”的 理 念,不断地 学习,来丰富她的人生 。


Administrative Manager

Academic Qualifications: Diploma in Drama at Malaysian Institute of Art

Ms. Elizabeth Liew, Malaysian female. She graduated with a Diploma in Drama from the Malaysian Institute of Art. She worked in Singapore as a costume consultant and assisted in a novelty shop as a purchaser for eight years. However, she became a full-time mum for 11 years after giving birth to her son. She also assisted her husband in his freelance photography career as a photo editor while taking care of their son at home. She has been doing homestay management since 2018. Now, she is part of LUCA’s team and hopes to grow in LUCA.



学历: 新加坡南洋理工学院的工商管理文凭,主修零售与国际贸易

郭深强,马来西亚人,男。他拥有新加坡南洋理工学院的工商管理文凭,主修零售与国际贸易。在读 书时期,他已拥有创业经历,并且是同期学员中取得最高盈利的。在实习期间,他担任一名网络营销人 员,为公司脸书的一个贴文带来了上千次点赞、上百次评论及分享。他也曾在一个便利店实习并担任副 经理,在这段期间,他改善了客服服务、仓储管理以及与客户建立良好的关系。他也曾在新加坡民防 部队服役,并在995行动中心担任接听员,促使他在处理紧急行动方面积累了丰富经验,并且获得上级 表扬为杰出人员。同时,他也获得了监督政府部门运作的经验。总的来说,这些经验让他发展出一些技 能,扩大了他的观察力、想象力及创造力。如今,身为光合基督学院一份子,他便可以将他的创意与创 新技能在学院的社交媒体上发挥出来。

Ms. Katherine Liaw, Malaysian, Female, aged 59. She was a former Registered Nurse cum Midwife. She was born in East Malaysia and received her training at the Government Nursing Training School in Kuching, Sarawak. She has over 20 years of nursing experience serving at the Sarawak General Hospital and Ting Specialist medical centre in Kuching, Sarawak as well as the Johor Specialist Hospital in JB when she came to settle down in West Malaysia with her family. Ms. Katherine is a caring and thoughtful nurse. For those who need help, she is ever willing to lend a helping hand, and to offer them care and comfort.

学历:  注册护士





学历: 南方学院的计算机科学文凭

林晓萍,马来西亚人,女,毕业于南方学院,曾经担任小学电脑老师及补习托管老师超过15 年,喜欢照顾小孩,享受和孩子们相处的时间,所以加入了光合基督学院。


ICT Support Officer

Academic Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Honour) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Mr. Paul Yeoh, Malaysian, male. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Honours) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and has been working in the IT field since 2009. In 2010, he worked as a customer service engineer at JK Technology Pte Ltd and in 2011 as an IT support engineer at Microbit Information Systems Pte Ltd. Since 2012, he has been a Technical Support Analyst at Akzo Nobel Paints Singapore Pte Ltd. He joined LUCA’s team as he wanted to use his talents and knowledge to help and support others.


Graphic Designer

Academic Qualifications: Diploma of Advertising Art & Design of the Southern University

Yap Kouk Hong, Malaysian, male. He graduated from the Diploma of Advertising Art & Design of the Southern University. He joined at LUCA in order to apply his knowledge and skills for a good cause, as LUCA is a place where students are provided with possibilities to fulfil their full potential.



Ong Kim Par


Lee Kok Fah


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